Finance Job Market 2022-2023 « XJMR (2024)

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Finance Job Market 2022-2023

  1. Economist

    This is the toughest year in the recent 5 years.

    1 year ago # QUOTE 2 Good 0 No Giod !

  2. Economist

    This is the toughest year in the recent 5 years.

    Hate to break it to you, but it's not. Last three years were all worse.

    1 year ago # QUOTE 1 Good 1 No Giod !

  3. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    1 year ago # QUOTE 1 Good 0 No Giod !

  4. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Remember you’re still luckier than azn males

    1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Giod !

  5. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Dude you have no clue how lucky you are. You can go to an LRM and still expect to land a job in academia, even if it is with a postdoc. This isn’t true for any international student. As such, a lot of people outside US with LRM PhD caliber don’t go for higher education with the hope of a late bloom, even if they so badly wanted to.

    1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Giod !

  6. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Dude you have no clue how lucky you are. You can go to an LRM and still expect to land a job in academia, even if it is with a postdoc. This isn’t true for any international student. As such, a lot of people outside US with LRM PhD caliber don’t go for higher education with the hope of a late bloom, even if they so badly wanted to.

    and why exactly should we care about non-US citizens? Let them stay in their own country

    1 year ago # QUOTE 1 Good 4 No Giod !

  7. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Dude you have no clue how lucky you are. You can go to an LRM and still expect to land a job in academia, even if it is with a postdoc. This isn’t true for any international student. As such, a lot of people outside US with LRM PhD caliber don’t go for higher education with the hope of a late bloom, even if they so badly wanted to.

    and why exactly should we care about non-US citizens? Let them stay in their own country

    True that. The US is not responsible for supporting talent from other countries. The US welcomes them; but that's not their obligation.

    1 year ago # QUOTE 1 Good 0 No Giod !

  8. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Dude you have no clue how lucky you are. You can go to an LRM and still expect to land a job in academia, even if it is with a postdoc. This isn’t true for any international student. As such, a lot of people outside US with LRM PhD caliber don’t go for higher education with the hope of a late bloom, even if they so badly wanted to.

    and why exactly should we care about non-US citizens? Let them stay in their own country

    True that. The US is not responsible for supporting talent from other countries. The US welcomes them; but that's not their obligation.

    You should feel shame about your argument since immigrants take a significant share of entrepreneurial and academic achievements in the US. And the US is actually a country built by immigrants. So please first ask your grandparents to stay out of the US if you don't think the US should support talents from other countries.

    1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 1 No Giod !

  9. Economist

    For white males, it is a disastrous year

    Dude you have no clue how lucky you are. You can go to an LRM and still expect to land a job in academia, even if it is with a postdoc. This isn’t true for any international student. As such, a lot of people outside US with LRM PhD caliber don’t go for higher education with the hope of a late bloom, even if they so badly wanted to.

    and why exactly should we care about non-US citizens? Let them stay in their own country

    you deserve the worst

    1 year ago # QUOTE 2 Good 1 No Giod !

  10. Economist

    Good reference

    A rookie's guide to the academic job market in finance: The labor market for lemons

    1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod !


Finance Job Market 2022-2023 « XJMR (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.